Monday, 7 November 2022

November 7

 This year's Remembrance Day Assembly will be held on November 10th at 10:30. 

We are collecting donations for poppies. 

Students are welcome to wear service uniforms on the 10th (brownies, scouts, etc.)

Some recent happenings...

  • Supporting our grade one buddies with their decodable books last Friday. 
  • Solving multi-step math problems. 
  • Taking jot notes about Alberta's regions. 
  • Listening to the read-aloud novel, "Barren Grounds". 
  • Frayer model about sun safety. 
  • Collaborative art for Remembrance Day. 

Grade 4 - It's a Wrap!

 Some of the activities we shared this week were celebrating each other's Calgary Stampede projects, showing our favourite part of the y...