Students will have individual photos taken on Monday.
Read-a-thon pledges are due Monday.
✔I can demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the role of stories, history and culture in
strengthening communities and contributing to identity and a sense of belonging.
• How did European immigration contribute to the establishment of communities in Alberta in
the late 19th century and early 20th century? (CC, GC, I, TCC)
• How did the arrival of diverse groups of people determine the establishment and continued
growth of rural and urban communities? (CC, GC, LPP
• How are agriculture and the establishment of communities interconnected? (ER, LPP)
Our class considered natural resources through the lens of early settlers. What gifts can the land give? Who was here when the settlers arrived? How could they have communicated to help each other? How could the land be used/shared?
Settlers sometimes traveled before the ground thawed. Why would they do this?