Today's learning included:
Solving problems related to time.
✔I can use direct and indirect measurement to solve problems. I can read and record time, using digital and analog clocks, including 24-hour clocks.
We noticed that it is easy to use a number line when solving problems related to the 24-hour clock.
Joan Cardinal Schubert Theatre Group Presented Fairy Tale Mash-ups: Goldilocks and the Three Pigs, Beauty and the Beast and the Big Bad Wolf, Cinderella’s Fairy God Mother.
Reasons that they gave for joining drama include:
It's fun!
There is a feeling of belonging when they work with each other.
A message from the Calgary Public Library:
LitCon 2023 In-Person Literary Arts Festival for Students!
Date: June 3rd
LitCon is Calgary Public Library’s annual Literary Arts Festival for students. Kids and Teens can explore their passion for writing, reading, poetry, game design or even Dungeons and Dragons!
This year LitCon has an in-person component on Saturday, June 3rd at the Central Library! Students from ages to 9 – 19 can register with their library card for various writing workshops and events that will be facilitated by Alexandra Writers’ Centre Society.
Links for registration are here: