Wednesday, 31 May 2023

May 31

 Yesterday we were able to join Calgary's LitCon 2023 

The virtual presentations included a keynote speaker Kenneth Oppel, "A Life's Scribbling". He talked about how he got started as an author. We learned that anything around us can be turned into a story!

In the afternoon we had a virtual tutorial with a children's book illustrator Vanja Kragulj. She taught us how to create characters using circles. 

(These presentations were not recorded, and our camera was off.)

Today we enjoyed the grade 2 assembly. It was about the 7 Grandfather Teachings. 

We went outside and participated in the Iron Campers challenge. We were rated on creativity, use of materials, and collaboration. 

Grade 4 - It's a Wrap!

 Some of the activities we shared this week were celebrating each other's Calgary Stampede projects, showing our favourite part of the y...